Friday, August 7, 2020

Archive: Solaris I

 Archive: Solaris I 

-- Contains Heavy Ballbusting --


“Lieutenant! She’s here!” called the officer.  

Frantically, the man ran, until he was standing tall, before his older more experienced superior.  

“Already?” Huffed the lieutenant; he put out his cigarette, wafting away the wispy smoke from his desk. “We’ve only had him detained for an hour.” He growled. 

A torrential breeze blew the ash and smoke up, blasting the lieutenant's shirt, staining his white collar and blue tie.  

“Fuck, she’s here.” He muttered, brushing the debris from his chest. 

The officer stood at attention, watching the woman in question saunter closer and closer to the lax lieutenant. 

“What, not happy to see me George?” She said, brushing her silky jet black behind her black top. A single golden lock of hair remained over her right eye, dangling, glinting in the fluorescent light of the 4th precinct.  

“Solaris.” George grunted, nodding to the heroine. “How did you know he was here?” 

Solaris smirked, bending at the hip. She locked her golden eyes with the lieutenant, watching his small twitches and discomforts. Falling strands of her black hair constantly tucked themselves behind her padded tank top, seemingly against gravity. 

Her porcelain, toned stomach was irresistible, garnering the attention of leery officers that didn’t know better. Unconsciously, she stuck her rear out, her tones thighs and calves straining slightly; her tight blue shorts didn’t leave much to the imagination.  

The green officer especially, couldn’t advert his gaze from her chest. Foregoing professionalism, he inched his hands closer to his crotch, trying to mask his growing issue.  

“Oh George, I don’t need powers to know any detainees would be here of all places.” She chuckled. “Those goons, whatever your men in this precinct are calling them now, they nearly blew all of 10th street to the Stratus Tower, how could I not notice?” 

“What do you want?” Sighed the lieutenant, tapping his meaty fingers along his oak desk. 

“We both want the same thing. Just lead me to him, and I can lead you to the others.” Solaris cooed.  

The lieutenant sat back, staring at the white ceiling.  

“Fine.” He muttered, finally coming to a decision. “Officer Newfane, escort Ms. Solaris to interrogation.” 

“Right away lieutenant.” Stuttered the officer; he motioned awkwardly at the heroine, beckoning her closer.  

“Thanks Georgie. This will only take a moment.” Solaris winked, sticking her pink tongue out before following the officer. 

George’s gaze lingered, as he watched Solaris bound past his desk. “I suppose I should watch...” He muttered, shuddering slightly. Solaris was the last hero you wanted to interrogate you. 


“This way!” Called the officer, fumbling with the keys to the padded blast door.  

Solaris tip-toed behind him, scanning the offshoots from the main interrogation hall.  

“Wow, everything’s so different from when I last came here.” She marveled. 

“Yeah, supposedly since the Lectern Explosion, the department focused more on fortifications rather than quantity of Cell Mods.” 

“I can tell. How thick are these new walls? Two feet?” Solaris smiled, stretching out her slender palm, caressing the cool reinforced steel. 

The officer turned the key, unlatching several locks. Next, he placed his palm on the green dash, completely a second of many tasks. Another moment, and the door swung inwards. 

“He’s in there, waiting.” The officer nodded, trying to keep eye contact with Solaris.  

“Make sure you latch the door tight. I don’t want the entire precinct to hear his screams.” Solaris smirked, nibbling her pink lips.  

The officer was taken aback, but didn’t argue. He nodded, letting Solaris stride past. Quickly, he latched the door behind her, sealing her in. Officer Newfane pulled over to the side of the interrogation room, looking in through the window.  

“Make way Newfane, I’m here.” The lieutenant growled; barging through. He crossed his arms, watching intently.  

“It looks like she’s about to start, lieutenant.”  

“Son, you ever see Solaris in action?” George sighed, watching the start of the interaction between Solaris and the captive. 

The officer shook his head. 

“Hope you’re not squeamish.” 


Solaris paused, several feet in front of the sitting man. He was large. Bold shoulders strained beneath a tight red shirt. Swirling tattoo sleeves of dragons and snakes slithered down his forearms. The two pairs of cuffs barely fit around his wrists. 

“Hello! My name is Solaris! What’s yours?” Solaris smiled, waving. 

The man squinted, looking over Solaris’s tight body. Her slender neck was siphoned by a black collar, with yellow jewels studding the center. Her hands were on her wide hips, her toned, sleeveless shoulders flexing slightly. 

“Who are you?” He grunted in a deep gravelly voice.  

“Ah, if you like, I can skip the formalities.” Solaris sighed. “Did people really forget about me around here? I only left for 6 months.” 

Solaris continued to ramble, recounting better days, as well as filling the captives head with non sequitur sayings and statements that would take too much focus for him to muster in the moment. He cut her off. 

“You’re not going to get any information out of me. It’s not like I know anything.” He spat.  

Solaris sighed, taking another step closer to the table, opposite to the bound man.  

“If you hadn’t noticed, I’m powered. And unlike my peers, I don’t like wasting my time.” 

Solaris sat, pressing her firm ass into the cold steel chair. She flicked her finger up. Metal shredded and contorted, snapping and sparking. His cuffs chains snapped, zipping to either side of his body. The metal table between the two of them peeled back, curling into neat rolls at either side. Wide eyed, the bound man squirmed, feeling butterflies wriggle in his stomach. Solaris flicked her finger again, unzipping his torn jeans. She dropped her hand, resting it firmly on her metal armrest.  

“Wait. Stop it!” Cried the man, trying to cover up his groin. The snapped handcuffs were at either of his sides, glued to his metal armrests; immutable 

Slowly, his lanky cock wriggled from his underwear, his foreskin being pinched and stretched tight by some unknown force. A second later, his egg-shaped testicles plopped out, one by one. Solaris giggled, letting his flabby penis drop between his precious orbs. 

The bound man tensed against his hand and foot restraints, his neck bulging out. Solaris stared intently at the tip of his penis, waiting for her magic to work its wonders. In time, a thick clear liquid began to leak from the tip. He groaned, his precum pooling at his feet. 

“Having fun? I learned this trick a few years back.” Solaris beamed, watching his juice spill out. 

The man gazed up at Solaris, pleading with his eyes. Deep within, a hidden stimulus was producing copious amounts of pleasurable fluids from his tip. 

“Feels strange right? You’re not even hard, yet you’re already this much on edge? I’ll be the first to admit it’s fun to watch you lose control, slowly. But I’m short on time and patience.” 

He screamed and flailed. His eyes bulged from his head, as he attempted to cuddle into a ball. Solaris, with another flick of her finger, pressed him back into the chair, but forced his eyes down; he was forced to watch his nuts compress. At every angle, Solaris squeezed, excreting pain and screams from the defenseless man.  

“I’m surprised no one ever mentioned my name. I thought my methods proceeded me.” Solaris giggled, her essence bearing down directly on his testicles, pressing them inwards from every directing, every inch. With one hand, she made a squeezing motion, for no reason except for flourish. 

“Stop.” He cried again, tears streaking down his face, as he helplessly watched his genitals twist and contort at the whim of Solaris. 

“You’re doing so well though.” Solaris giggled, wiggling his testicles within their sack. “But I’m far from finished. What is this, 17 pounds of force, constantly crushing down at every angle? While I simultaneously milk your cock? Those balls must be extra sensitive right now.” Solaris grinned; she added another pound of pressure. 

The brute's cries turned into a high pitch squeak, downing out more of Solaris’s ramblings. Slightly annoyed, she shut his mouth with her prowess, and manually pumped air in and out of his lungs, forcing him to quiet down. 

“So noisy. It’s all nonsense too. Can you tell me where your hideout is already? As much as I’m enjoying our time, I was contacted for a reason.” Solaris sighed, before adding two more pounds of force.  

“I’ll speak!” He gasped, allowed his own manual autonomy. “Just please, let go!” He pleaded, still watching his precious orbs compress. 

“I’m quite comfortable with this level of force. If you aren't, I could always raise it just a smidge.” Solaris teased, adding yet another pound of pressure. 

“Less, less!” He begged, thrashing harder. 

“Only once you tell where your little goonies are hiding.” Solaris teased. “I already have two of them.” She giggled. 

He squealed again, bucking his hips, trying to throw Solaris’s essence off his body. She smiled, before enacting the second stage of his torment. It started with three spurts, before flowing like a faucet; his cum. He was caught between a squeal and moan, simultaneously experiencing vast pain and pleasure.  

But swiftly, his momentary pleasure vanished, his nerves shot; he was overcome by a bleached hot burning ache. Solaris pressed into him deeper, scooping out more and more cum from his internal works. It was the equivalent to squeezing a bottle of shampoo. He turned back to screaming, anything to convey his abhorrent agony. 

“I’ll say! Just stop!” He pleaded; he was lightheaded, the continuous flow of cum and bloodcurdling screams draining him.  

“Glad to see you’ve had a change of heart. I’ll listen.” Solaris smiled, enjoying his pain.  

“Let go!” He cried again. 

“Nope. Not until you tell me. Oh, and also, if you’re lying, I’ll have to pay you another visit. I’ll make sure to be extra diligent too. Maybe I’ll expand your balls from the inside?” Solaris cooed, becoming infatuated with the idea.  


Suffice to say, he caved quickly, telling not just the location of his accomplices, but every other major to minor crime he had committed. While it couldn’t be used in the people's court, it was a ravage humiliation to say the least. 

Solaris exited; a large smile plastered to her face. 

“Nice job.” The lieutenant grunted, clearing his throat. “I’ll have my men there within the hour.” 

While he didn’t exactly approve of Solaris’s unusually cruel methods, they worked.  

“Have you had a change of heart as well Georgie?” Solaris huffed, flicking her hair behind her shoulders. “You always used to scream your head off whenever I interrogated. What changed?” 

The awkward officer scrambled behind his superior, covering his crotch up slightly; he was blushing.  

“It’s cruel. And you know it, Solaris.” The lieutenant sighed.  

“But as you’ve said in the past, results are results.” Solaris shrugged. “Also, one of you should call a janitor or something. I think that man’s still leaking cum.” 

The officer and lieutenant exchanged nervous glances at one another.  

“Well, while you rally your little troops Georgie, I’ll pay their stronghold a little visit. I have an itch I want to scratch.” Solaris yawned; swiftly, the heroine exited the precinct, meeting the warm glow of the sun.  


She took several paces, gathering her stretch, doing side stretches. 

“Solaris.” Called a deep voice.  

The heroine opened her eyes, trying to locate the familiar call. The person in question, had her feet dangling on a crooked street post.  

“Oh, Leviathan.” Solaris nodded, greeting her powered peer.  

Leviathan’s arms were stretching out, her plump cheeks resting on the razor edge of the tall post. Her long green hair blew in the short breezes of the street, licking like flames.  

“Did you get the information?” Leviathan called. 

“Who wants to know?” Solaris beamed back; the powered heroine lifter herself from the hard stone, until she was eye-level with the muscular, tanned woman. 

“Stratus Tower. That big-brained kid thinks they’re smuggled an Emitter of some sort into the city.” 

“An Emitter? Yes, I do think that man mentioned something about it.” Solaris yawned, picking at her nails.  

“Where are they?” Leviathan growled; her brown eyes lit up red, piercing into Solaris.  

Leviathan, while less often cruel than Solaris, quickly lost her temper. In reality, Solaris hated working with others, especially Leviathan. The muscle-torn heroine could barely control herself, often crushing crooks' testicles between her hands or under her feet, ruining any fun Solaris might have had. 

“A warehouse. Corner of 2nd.” Solaris said, flicking away Leviathans deadly gaze with one of her extended barriers.  

“That warehouse?” Leviathan questioned, cocking her head back. Solaris nodded slowly. “I’ll contact the others.” The green-haired woman spat.  

With that, she disappeared, most likely having teleported to Stratus Tower. 

Solaris gazed upwards, to the revered, shining tower in the center of the city. She scoffed before slowly drifting away above the precinct 

“Heros these days, so gullible. What’s an Emitter to me? I’ll take them all on, and have fun at the same time.” Solaris grinned, swiftly taking her own current to the true location provided.  

She zipped above and between skyscrapers, through the drudges of stagnate sewer waters, through billowing steamy vents in the heartbroken streets. She plopped herself down, out in front to the teetering warehouse, on the corner of 5th 

Confidently, she flicked her fingers, blowing doors of steel off their hinges. Plumes of dust shot out to her, blotting her vision. With ease, she sent out a pulse of her essence, clearing the way.  

“Hello!” She hollered, relishing in the surprised glances and expressions of 30 men. “I only have a limited amount of time before the professionals arrive.” Solaris said, rolling her eyes. “Let’s have some fun!” 

Solaris raised her arms, provoking a fresh wave of men. Her yellow eyes bore into them, conveying her complete lack of remorse. Realizing that, they attacked, charging with whatever they happened to be holding.  

The sultry heroine examined each man’s outward appearances, then attached her essence to each. The three closest each held some bludgeoning weapon, a thick wooden plank, metal pipe, garden stake? Why did they have any of it?  

Solaris sighed, before lifting her right hand, lazily, she clenched down, digging her perfect nails into her palm. Each man froze, stopping feet before her. 

Instantly, they dropped their hands down to their throbbing pants. Solaris giggled, watching as each of them three men handled her direct attach to their testicles.  

“Your boys can take 30 pounds, right?” She teased; gently, she wiggled her hand, forcing their warbling testicles to repeat the motion.  

One man fell forward, on his knees, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Soon, another fell, tears rolling down his cheeks. He collapsed completely a second later, passed out from the pain of his testicles being crushed at every angle. 

All that remained was one man. Ironically, he was the smallest of the bunch. His head barley came up too Solaris’s shoulders. He was trembling, still clutching his nuts. He pleaded with his eyes, unable to form functioning words. Solaris almost took pity. 

“Congratulations, you win the ultimate prize!” Solaris smiled, flicking his hands from his quaking crotch. 

Solaris contorted him to her will, spreading his legs, flicking his arms out, further away from his crotch. He shook violently, trying to squirm out of the invisible force tethering his limbs apart.  

“Here you go!” Solaris grunted, rocketing her smooth shin to his unprotected crotch.  

Solaris couldn’t help but giggle, realizing her own sadism was interfering with her powers. She had kept him planted firmly, only so he could take the full brunt of her wound up kick. Suffice to say, he took it like a champ.  

“Oh! You took it so well.” Solaris gasped; she finally released him from her grasp, allowing him to rest on the cold floor. 

Solaris closed her eyes, scanning the area for the other belligerents. More were approaching from behind, each carrying other weapons. Without looking, she contorted her essence around a solid plank, bending it to her will.  

A harsh crack echoed throughout the warehouse, a bullet streaking through the wet air. Solaris deflected it, the bullet diverging off of her trusted and ever-present barrier.  

“Bitch.” She spat, glaring at the barrel of the pistol, as it glinted under the fluttering ceiling rafters. 

High above, the man who had fired was trembling. He backed away from the edge of the warehouse platform, too afraid to fire another shot. Solaris reached out with her power, a torrential breeze swaying low hanging lights on thin metal strings. She attached herself to him, carrying a special emphasis on his nut cords. His yelps could be heard from the bottom, as Solaris forced him left and right, following his fragile nuts where she desired. 

She grew bored quickly, deciding to cast him over the edge of the high platform. He fell still, twitching from the lingering feeling of his nut cords being stretched. Solaris turned her essence to the other aggressors. She smiled, launching high into the air, carried by her aura. 

“Have fun, my plank!” Solaris giggled, tracing her finger to each of them men on the ground floor. 

A gust of wind was created as one of many thick wood planks flew, contorting particles. With haste, it buried itself into one man’s vulnerable crotch, the broad end striking each testicle, bruising his cock and balls. He dropped his weaponry, devolving into a steaming pile of tears. Solaris’s trusty plank wasn’t finished, flinging itself to another vulnerable pair of testicles. One after another, man after man, they dropped. Unable to defend the sly plank, their testicles suffered an unbearable fate. Bruised and sullied, many must have rethought their profession. 

Solaris giggled, watching her victims squirm, clutching their damaged goods. She called down to them. 

“You boys will be fine... I know my own strength. Fighting baddies wouldn’t be as fun if I took your testicles. Call it a code of mine.” Solaris smirked, drifting over the fallen men.  

She flicked her hand to the side, neatly piling each man on top of one another. Sending out one pulse of her essence, she confirmed none of their testicles had been irreparably damaged. 

“Now, where are the rest of your little men? Any of you want to tell me where that pesky Emitter you stole is? Do I need to torture you individually to find it?” She smirked, unopposed to acting out her threats.  

Instead, Solaris sent out another pulse, directed at the unseen areas of the vast warehouse. Quizzically, her prowess faltered, sputtering at the fringes before deteriorating 

“Fuck.” She gasped; Solaris dropped to the floor, unable to muster her essence.  

She ducked behind a large steel crate, barely avoiding a volley of metal rain. A firm spray of bullets rained down, shooting sparks from the metal crate, denting it. 

“Those fuckers just had to bring out their puny Emitter.” Solaris grumbled; she tensed her hand. 

It tingled, her essence attempting to break past the Emitter obstructing her energy flow. The bullets continued to rain down, cluttering Solaris’s mind, distracting her. She sighed, scratching the skin underneath her black choker.  

“Fucking die!” Cried a terrified man, spraying his auto wildly. 

Solaris pinched at her jeweled choker, taking a deep breath. 

“I guess I should hurry.” Solaris muttered; she plucked her accessory, letting the power flow. 

Her yellow eyes ignited, glowing a brilliant yellow. She clenched her hands, feeling her essence crawl beneath her skin, throughout her blood. She stood with confidence, stepping out from behind the hard steel. She was immediately met with hard bullets. They bore into her skin, before bouncing off, dented and hot.  

Solaris took a confident step, raising her arms up. She took bullet after bullet, her unbreakable skin glowing after each strike of metal. Her already scanty clothing was tearing, but she didn’t mind. Solaris grinned, before launching her attack. 

She met roughly five men, standing in a weak formation at the opposite end of the warehouse. With ease, she tore their weapons away. Augmented with her own essence, she traveled faster than sight, blitzing behind the wave of men.  

She dropped to one knee, breaking the concrete floor. Ruthlessly, she rocketed her open palm up, clasping two firm testicles of one unlucky man. She pulled back, hard. He dropped to the ground, his forearms cracking hard on the stone. He squealed like a pig, trying to squirm from Solaris’s grasp.  

She let go, showing a shred of mercy. Before she moved onto the next, she gave them a light slap, still managing to bruise them. He collapsed.  

“Little bitch!” One man growled, charging Solaris. 

She stepped to the side, watching his sluggish movements with her glowing eyes. She gripped his throat, throwing him off balance, before slamming her bare knee between his spayed legs. He let out a small yelp, before receiving a second knee to the testicles. Solaris delivered a third before throwing him to the floor.  

The three men remaining each inched forward, all of them too afraid to make the first move. Two of the three had their hands covering their crotch.  

Solaris rolled her eyes, before blitzing past them. Once behind, she stabbed on of them in the side, cracking a rib. The man cried out, bringing his hand to his new wound. Solaris, while throwing a predictable strike, was too fast to ever be stopped. Her foot connected with the man's testicles, striking him from behind. The top of her foot blew into his unprotected epididymis's, nearly caving them in. He dropped, foam at the mouth. 

“Imagine, in the 21th century, having a group of goons comprised entirely out of men. Has humanity learned anything?” Solaris scoffed. 

The remaining two men had completely dropped their guards. Wide eyed, they had all but accepted their fate. Solaris smiled, knowing that had already broken them. It still didn’t stop her from stepping forward. She took a single, long stride, before disappearing. She reappeared a second later, behind each man. They dropped, without seeing the strikes that had nearly sundered them. She had already tapped their sacks. 

Solaris admired her handiwork, before focusing back on herself. She flexed her hand. It tingled still, the Emitter still disrupting the flow of her potent energy. She looked up, to the left, to the right, trying to find the source. She took 12 steps, back to the center of the warehouse. On the last step, she paused, an overwhelming rush of energy flowing from her body. 

“They took off, already?” She sighed. 

Quickly, she strapped her choker back on, taking a deep sigh. Her essence diminished, back to acceptable, healthy levels. She glared to the open entrance of the warehouse. The sirens were wailing, echoing through the warehouse. 

Moments later, uniform after uniform entered, guns drawn. Solaris flicked her hair again, silently slipping out. She was let out immediately, her recognition granting her immunity. Quietly, she strolled out, contorting the wind around herself. While she had fun, the Emitter had alluded her.  

“Solaris.” Came a bold, again familiar voice. 

Leviathan stood tall, her flame-like green hair like a cape, draped down to her bulging calves. She was wearing an office suit, collar and all. Besides her, a relatively smaller man, dressed in all blue. 

“Hi Solaris!” He smiled, waving. 

“Who’s this?” Solaris grunted; the heroine walked to him, crossing her arms. 

“Just call him Gray. He’s new.” Leviathan grinned; the muscular hero draped her arm around him, sagging his frame. 

“Nice to meet you Solaris, I’ve heard a lot about you from the boys at Stratus Tower.” He nodded. Solaris raised a brow. 

“What did they say about me?” She snorted. 

“Well... Considering what you did to the men in that warehouse, I’d say their information was correct. You can be a little sadistic.” 

“Sadistic?” Leviathan chuckled. “Solaris is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet!” 

“Think she would do all that to me?” Gray joked.  

He collapsed the next second, clutching his receding nuts. He let out a pathetic cry, spasming from Solaris’s strike. The heroine’s leg was still primed, a light wisp of steam radiating off her shoe.  

“I think that approach suits you.” Solaris gritted; she dropped her leg, admiring her handiwork.  

“Gray!” Gasped Leviathan. 

The heroine dropped besides the besmirched hero, rubbing his quivering back.  

“She got you really good.” She cooed. “Here, let’s go back to Stratus Tower, I can massage them to feel better.” 

“No, stay away!” He squeaked, trying to sulk away from the overbearing heroine.  

They teleported away, Leviathan taking matters into her own hands. Solaris stared at the shining tower. 

“Goofballs, the lot of them.” She pouted, blowing her stray lock of hair. “That Emitter is still in the city, and Leviathan is worried about his balls?” 

Solaris took off, soaring through the city, wind on her back, her sight trained; she was ready to reemerged, as the scourge of the city. 

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